Friday, 29 January 2016

A Case for Men's Handbags

I have a strong feeling that ladies handbag is a conspiracy against womankind. It's a contraption to make women lug stuff around. To that end, it's been glamorised, projected as a must have accessory, and boy! so successfully that women pine to own not just one, but several and are ready to pay a bomb for them too. It has become a fashion statement and women love to carry them even at the risk of injuring their arms, necks and shoulders. 

I agree, it's based on need. Men have pockets. Women have bags. All fair there but as you get out of single life, men's pockets are still for themselves while women's bags become a free for all. All things that a man can't carry in his pocket, find a respite in a lady's bag. Picture a family outing. Dad is hands free whereas Mom is saddled with a bag. Let's have a look inside this bag. Hankies or tissues - in case of runny nose or smudged hands, a little snack, a bottle of water, coupons for shopping, house keys, shopping bags (if she is a green person like me), a pen, a little notebook, sanitiser, safety pin, an umbrella (depends on weather), charger, a band-aid and what not! Of course her wallet, phone and makeup also manage to find a place in the bag. 

During my student days, when our class went to an industrial trip, there was a guy who carried a camera around. He would always request a girl in the group to put his camera in her bag. To carry a backpack for a camera was just too much work and it was convenient to pop it inside the nearest available bag and who else would be carrying a bag but a lady in the group!

In Singapore, I spotted a guy holding his girlfriend's handbag. Over my few days' stay there, this was a recurring sight. I found it to be quite endearing. If men didn't carry their own bags, they were at least ready to give respite to their better halves. They did it with quite an aplomb too. But back home, if I ask my man to carry my handbag for a while, he would consider it no less than an act of hara-kiri. He would look around furtively lest he is caught red (bag)-handed by an acquaintance, then grudgingly carry it for the minimal possible time and dump it back on you like a sack of hot potatoes at the next opportune moment.

Why can't men carry man purses or satchels? Yeah, man bags are available in store shelves but are quite rare on men's shoulders. Ladies, why don't we encourage menfolk to carry their own bags? I am quite looking forward to the day when I am not carrying a bag and still all my stuff is accessible because my husband is carrying a man bag. So if you are looking for a gift for your beloved this Valentines, do consider a man bag for the man in your life. Trust me, you will thank me for it and so might he!

PS: I am not a manufacturer or retailer of man bags. This write-up is purely for the good of womankind.

This write-up was published in the middle section of Deccan Herald

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